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At TANK we love beautiful things, good food, great service and clients that dare to make a difference!
We make customized designs that stand out from the crowd.
To attain our goals, we offer specialized, fit-for-the-job designers, expectation-management through a clear way of working and a (brand new) loud & clear name and graphic identity.
TANK is a container of great ideas.
TANK challenges you to make a difference.
TANK takes a stand.
TANK, formerly known as IDing.
Spacious airplane loft
On Airbnb you can book this unique property: a KLM jet liner, fully furnished as a pop-up hotel, available between November 28th – 30th, 2014. The KLM jet liner, which made 3675 flights over the world, has a new destination in November 2014.
Photography and photos